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作者                                 香港文學舘出版 編者                                 潘耀明主編 本刊於2024年5月創刊,由香港文學舘主辦,是一本兼及文藝和學術的文化季刊,圖文並茂,每年四期。...
CHN Comprehensive Collection
This book is part of the "Selected Works of Hong Kong Literature" series, a large-scale anthology overseen by Mr. POON Yiu-Ming, Director of the Museum of Hong Kong Literature. The series is edited by renowned scholar Professor HUANG Zi-Ping, with writer and senior editor SHU Fei serving as associate editor. For this particular volume, Mr. XU Gang, a descendant of XU Di-Shan, was specially invited to serve as the editor. In 1935, upon the recommendation of HU Shi, XU Di-Shan, then 42 years old, traveled to Hong Kong for his appointment at the University of Hong Kong. In September of that year, he attended and chaired the first departmental meeting of the School of Chinese...
CHN LIT/Cultural Studies
This book is the first volume in the "Selected Works of Hong Kong Literature Studies" series, a large-scale anthology directed by Mr. POON Yiu-Ming, the director of the Museum of Hong Kong Literature, and edited by renowned scholar Professor XU Zi-Dong. Louis CHA (1924–2018), also known as Jin Yong, was a renowned contemporary writer and journalist. Born as CHA Leung-yung in Yuanhua Town, Haining County, Zhejiang Province in 1924, he moved to Hong Kong in 1948 when the Hong Kong newspaper Ta Kung Pao resumed publication. In 1955, Louis CHA began writing Wuxia novels, with his first work, The Book and the Sword, serialized in the New Evening Post...
CHN General Magazine
Launched in May 2024, "Appreciation" is a literary and academic quarterly journal published by the Museum of Hong Kong Literature and edited by POON Yiu-Ming. The editorial board includes renowned scholars such as CHENG Pei-Kai, HUANG Zi-Ping, XU Zi-Dong, WONG Wai-Leung, LIU Jian-Mei, HUANG Xin-Cun, CHANG Song-Hing, and CHEUNG Shin-Yee...
CHN General Magazine
Launched in May 2024, "Appreciation" is a literary and academic quarterly journal published by the Museum of Hong Kong Literature and edited by POON Yiu-Ming. The editorial board includes renowned scholars such as CHENG Pei-Kai, HUANG Zi-Ping, XU Zi-Dong, WONG Wai-Leung, LIU Jian-Mei, HUANG Xin-Cun, CHANG Song-Hing, and CHEUNG Shin-Yee...
CHN Novel
李歐梵的兩部小說〈范柳原懺情錄〉和〈東方獵手〉均多少帶有後現代文本遊戲的特質。 〈范柳原懺情錄〉是張愛玲〈傾城之戀〉的「續寫」,構想男主人公范柳原在跟白流蘇分手多年後,在漫長的歲月裏,斷斷續續地以書信方式向舊情人傾訴和自剖。讀者彷彿在真實世界裏,見證了張愛玲筆下的虛構小說人物在二十世紀下半葉的情感經歷。...